вторник, 19 сентября 2006
читать дальшеShut your fucking face, Uncle Fucka..
You're a cock sucking, ass licking, Uncle Fucka..
You're an Uncle Fucka, yes it's true..
Nobody fucks uncles quite like you!
Shut YOUR fucking face, Uncle Fucka..
You're the one that fucked your uncle, Uncle Fucka..
You don't eat or sleep, or mow the lawn..
Just fuck your uncle all day long!
[farting] Hmm.. farting hahahaha!
Canadian Man: What's going on hyah?
Fucka Fucka, Uncle Fucka Uncle Fucka Uncla Fucka..
Shut your fucking face, Uncle Fucka!
You're a boner biting bastard, Uncle Fucka!
You're an Uncle Fucka, I must say..
You fucked your uncle yesterday!
Uncle fucka, thats U, N, C, L, E, fuck, you
Uncle Fuckaaaaaaa.. suck my balls.
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world..
She's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch
She's a Bitch to all the Boys and Girls!
On Monday, she's a bitch, on Tuesday, she's a bitch
On Wednesdays through Saturdays, she's a bitch..
Then on Sundays, just to be different
She's a Super King Kamehameha.. Biatch!
["Kamehameha" is japanese for 'Dragonball'.]
Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom?
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world..
She's a mean old bitch, and she has stupid hair
She's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch!
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch
She's a Stupid bitch!
Kyle's mom's a bitch, and she's just a dirty bitch!
Talk to kids around the world..
and it might go a little bit something like this!
[Kyle's mom's a bitch in Chinese]
[Kyle's mom's a bitch in French]
[Kyle's mom's a bitch in Dutch]
[Kyle's mom's a bitch in (some kind of) African]
Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom?
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world..
She's a mean old bitch, and she has stupid hair
She's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch!
[Shocked noise]
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch..
She's a Stupid Bitch!
Kyle's Mom's a Bitch, and she's just a dirty bitch!
I really mean it, Kyle's Mom..
She's a Big Fat Fucking Biiiitcchh!
Big old fat fucking bitch, Kyle's mom
Yeah.. Chaa!
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